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Driving Sales, Channel and Customer Loyalty

Building long term valued relationships, attracting, retaining and growing your customer base, revenue and ROI.


Sales Incentive Landing
Referral & Commission
Partner Training
Sales Claims

Employee & Sales

Maximize individual and team performance with gamification, reward and recognition to achieve inspiring results.

Dealer & Channel

Run compelling dealer and channel programs. Drive peak performance and loyalty with incentives and rebate programs.


Attract, retain and grow your customer base. Drive purchase frequency, product adoption and engage your customers.

Our Focus

Core Loyalty is focused on the concept, design and management of Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) programs. 

We give you the power to engage, motivate and influence your employees and sales teams, dealers/ channels and consumers. Our focus is to help you meet and exceed your goals.

Our Focus

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